Video Nelly Furtado In God's hands (En manos de Dios) Letra en inglés

Video de Nelly Furtado
"In God's hands" (En manos de Dios)- Letra en inglés
La mejor balada que tiene la cantante y una de las mejores baladas de todos los tiempos. Es una pena que no sea tan conocida...

La letra es de las mejores que he podido leer y escuchar.
La canción habla de cuando una pareja se rompe, es un momento triste ... es culpa de ambas partes. Todo el videoclip está en blanco y negro, en el mismo aparece Nelly con un sencillo vestido.

In God's hands(En manos de Dios)
Lyrics (Letra en inglés)

I looked at your face
I saw that all the love had died
I saw that we had forgotten to take the time

I, I saw that you couldn't care less about what you do
You couldn't care less about the lies
You couldn't find the time to cry

We forgot about love
We forgot about faith
We forgot about trust
We forgot about us

And now our love´s floating out the window
Our love´s floating out the back door
Our love´s floating up in the sky
In heaven where it began
Back in god's hands

You said that you had said all that you had to say
You said baby it's the end of the day

We gave a lot
But it wasn't enough
We got so tired
Like we just gave up

Now our love´s floating out the window
Our love´s floating out the back door
Our love´s floating up in the sky
In heaven where it began
Back in god's hands
Back in god's hands

We didn't respect it
We went on neglected
We didn't deserve it
But I never expected this

Our love´s floated out the window
Our love´s floated out the back door
Our love´s floated up in the sky
To heaven it's part of the plan
It's back in god's hands
Back in god's hands

Oh, It didn't last
It's a thing of the past
No, I didn't understand
Oh, Just what we had
Oh, I want it back
Just what we had
I want it back
Oh, just what we had

También te puede interesar Versión en español de la canción:
En Manos de Dios, In Gods hands, Nelly Furtado. Spanish version

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