Don't Give Up Letra en inglés, Bryan Adams + Chicane - Videoclip

Don't Give Up es un remix de Bryan Adams con la colaboración de Chicane.

Un tema muy bailable que fue un éxito en las pistas de baile.

Letra en inglés de Don´t give up, Lyrics
(No te rindas, en español)
Don't worry if the sun don't shine
you've seen it before you don't have to worry
everyday's an uphill climb, nothing has changed
believe me when I tell ya

don't give it up - don't give it up...
don't give up - you know it's true
gotta do what you wanna do (4 bis)

don't worry if the sun don't shine
you've seen it before you don't have to worry
everyday's an uphill climb - nothing has changed
believe me when I tell ya

don't give it up - don't give it up...
don't give up - you know it's true
gotta do what you wanna do (4 bis)

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