Give it Away - Deepest Blue, letra y video

Give it Away Deepest Blue
Give it Away fue single del album Late September de Deepest Blue, grupo radicado en el Reino Unido que nos deleita con uno de sus temas insignia que estuvo en los primeros puestos de las listas de exitos de UK.

Video Letra en ingles, Give it Away, Lyrics por Deepest Blue.

Letra en ingles, Give it Away, Lyrics, Deepest Blue
I remember the times I loved somebody
Now all I need is all I see in you
An only you
And if you get lost I’ll always find you
Your all I need, your heart will keep you true
Why only you

You make me fall
And I can’t sleep
You want it all
But it’s too late
And I can’t give it away
And just can’t give it away

And when we slowly close your eyes
We play the moment in young lives
Just give it away
Just give it away

And when you slowly close your eyes
We pray the moment in young lives
Just give it away
Just give it away

Don’t ever forget to tell somebody
The feelings inside to make your dreams come true
I dream of you
To feel so alive and want somebody
Lets not make believe my world will be for you
And only you

You make me fall
And I can’t sleep
You want it all
But it’s too deep
And I can’t give it away
And just can’t give it away

And when you slowly close your eyes
We play the moment in young lives
Breathe in and give it away
Breathe out and give it away

Video letra en español, traduccion al español, de Give it away

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