Videoclip September Cry For You - Letra en inglés, lyrics

 Cry For You September La cantante sueca ha sido varias veces número uno en su país y en el resto del mundo.

Se hizo conocida en el 2003 con el tema La La La (Never Give it Up)

September es el seudónimo de Petra Marklund.

Video con Letra en inglés (lyrics)- Cry For You - September

Letra en inglés (lyrics)- Cry For You - September
I never had to say goodbye
You must have known I wouldn't stay
While you were talking about our life
You killed the beauty of today

Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever never comes around
People love and let go
Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever's gonna slow you down

You never heard me break your heart
You didn't wake up when we died
Since I was lonely from the start
I think the end is mine to write

Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever never comes around
People love and let go
Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever's gonna slow you down

You'll never see me again
So now who's gonna cry for you
You'll never see me again
No matter what you do


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