Keane es un grupo musical británico de pop rock conocido por usar el piano como principal instrumento.
Sus canciones han sido al números 1 de ventas del Reino Unido y ha estado en las listas de mayores ventas de Europa y gran parte del mundo.
Video de Keane
Canción "Bend and Break" Letra en Español
Video con la letra en español de la canción " Bend and Break " del album "Hopes and fears"
Letra en inglés de Bend and Break
When you, when you forget your name
When old faces all look the same
Meet me in the morning when you wake up
Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up
If only I don't bend and break
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake
Lovesick bitter and hardened heart
Aching waiting for night waiting for life to start
Meet me in the morning when you wake up
Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up
If only I don't bend and break
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake
If only I don't bend and break
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake
Video Keane Bend and Break Letra Español Ingles
letra en ingles,
video musical
Chicane Mix Angel Natasha Bedingfield Video
Chicane Mix Natasha Bedingfield Video
Navegando por Youtube he encontrado este video y esta canción que me ha llamado la atención.
En este remix, mejora la canción original, la hace bailable, le da ritmo y vida propia.
Podría decirse que toca la canción, le imprime estilo propio, la convierte en una obra maestra que te atrapa y tienes que volver a escucharla varias veces ....ANGEL....
Chicane, es el proyecto de música electrónica / trance del artista inglés Nick Bracegirdle. Bajo mi punto de vista es uno de los grandes músicos y productores de nuestros tiempos.
Ha colaborado con grandes como Bryan Adams, Tom Jones y varias veces con Natasha Bedingfield,... Algunos de sus trabajos han sido números uno en las listas de ventas en Europa.
Video con la Mezcla de Chicane y el montaje del video por Riley York
Letra en inglés "ANGEL" Natasha Bedingfield, Chicane Mix
(ojo esta es la letra del remix, la letra original es más extensa)
Just like a shadow
I'll be beside you
I'll be your comfort
I'm there to guide you home
I will provide you a place of shelter
I want a be your zone
Tell me what you wanted me to do
I'll make you great to be a man
With a woman who can stand
With every promise given
Making vows to please her man
I'll be your angel
Just like the moon
I'll step aside
And let your sun shine
While I follow behind
Cause baby what ya got
It is with all the props
You're everything I'm not
I'll act as if you do
Tell me what you wanted me to do
I'll make you great to be a man
With a woman who can stand
With every promise given
Making vows to please her man
If I could be your angel (your angel, your angel)
Protect you from the pain (from the pain, oh)
I'll keep you safe from danger (from danger, from danger)
You'll never hurt again (no more)
I'll be your A-N-G-E-L A-N-G-E-L
I'm gonna be your A-N-G-E-L A-N-G-E-L
Versión Vídeo original
También te puede interesar:
Video Chicane Natasha Bedingfield Bruised Water
Video Chicane Tom Jones Stone in Love
Video Bryan Adams Dont Give Up
Video Chicane Peter Cunnah Love
Lady Hear Me Tonight Video Modjo Letra ingles Lyrics
Video Musical
Lady Hear Me Tonight Modjo
Lady...Esta canción del 2000 fue el single de debut del dúo francés llamado Modjo, formado por Yann Destagnol y Romain Tranchart.
Foto del albúm de Modjo
Un clásico del pop /househouse / música electrónica, ¿quién no ha escuchado este tema? Después de esta canción hicieron otras pero ninguna llegó a tener a ser tan popular ni con tanta repercusión.
Modjo puso su grano de arena en la historia de la música de nuestros tiempos.
Letra en inglés de Lady ( Hear Me Tonight ) Lyrics
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
As we dance by the moonlight can't you see you're my delight?
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
I feel loved for the first time and I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
As we dance by the moonlight can't you see you're my delight?
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
I feel loved for the first time and I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
Lady hear me tonight, can't you see you're my delight?
Lady I just feel like I feel loved for the first time
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
Lady I just feel like
letra en ingles,
Amy McDonald Video This Is The Life Letra Ingles
This is the life Amy McDonald Video Letra en inglés
Amy McDonald es una completa joven artista de unos 20 años, compone, canta y toca la guitarra.
Su estilo propio es una mezcla de pop británico, rock y música alternativa.
La cantante ha estado en el top de ventas de su país con varios cientos de miles de copias vendidas.
Este es el video musical oficial.
Al escucharla por primera vez me vino a la mente el grupo británico The Cranberries y a su canción estrella "Zombie". He podido verla hace varios meses en un concierto en directo a través de la televisión y es bastante buena.
Tiene un prometedor futuro musical y este es solo el comienzo.
Letra en inglés de This is the life por Amy Mc Donald / Lyrics
Oh the wind whistles down
the cold dark street tonight
and the people they were dancing
to the music vibe
And the boys chase the girls
with the curls in their hair
And the shy tormented youth sit
way over there
And the songs they get louder
each one better than before
and you're singing the songs
thinking this is the life
and you wake up in the morning
and your head feels twice the size
where you gonna go
where you gonna go
where you gonna sleep tonight
and you're singing the songs
thinking this is the life
and you wake up in the morning
and your head feels twice the size
where you gonna go
where you gonna go
where you gonna sleep tonight
where you gonna sleep tonight
So you're heading down the road
in your taxi for four
And you're waiting outside Jimmy's front door
But nobody's in and nobody's home till four
So you're sitting there with nothing to do
Talking about Robert Riger and his motley crew.
and where you're gonna go and where your gonna sleep tonight.
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letra en ingles,
Video Yet Another Day Armin Van Buuren Feat Ray Wilson Letra en inglés / Lyrics
Video Yet Another Day Armin Van Buuren Feat Ray Wilson Letra en inglés / Lyrics
Video musical donde el protagonista parece que está un poco cansado y "quemado", tanto que sale ardiendo por combustión espontánea.
De Armin Van poco hay que decir salvo que es un genio, la colaboración con Ray Wilson muy buena.
Letra en inglés / Lyrics
Yet Another Day - Armin Van Buuren feat. Ray Wilson
Something's dissapeared inside
Should I try to run away
If I could I would escape you
I won't argue anymore
I have lost the will to be
Hope you don't think I'm ungrateful
Close the curtains, lock the door
Left my notes upon the stair
In hopes you wouldn't read them
Fake emotions in my head
Everything I've seen and read
Can't begin to find the reason
Why? Why are you laughing?
Is it something that I said?
I don't like this place at all
Makes me wonder what I'm here for
Someone take this pain away
Dying to see another day
I don't want to be your friend
Or pretend I can fit into
I'm incensed, I'm blown away
Dying to see another day
I don't like this place at all
Makes me wonder what I'm here for
Someone take this pain away
Dying to see another day
I don't want to be your friend
Or pretend I can fit into
I'm incensed, I'm blown away
Dying to see another day
Armin Van Buuren,