Canción cantada a dúo por Jessica Simpson y David Bisbal en una ceremonia de los Grammy Latinos de hace unos años.
Video con la letra de la canción ANGELS
Video del Dúo Jessica Simpson y Bisbal. Canción Angels
Jessica Simpson,
letra en inglés,
Video Love is an Angel - Sylver - Letra en inglés
3 versiones de Love is an angel, del dúo Sylver
Letra del videoclip - Love is an angel
Lyrics - Videoclip Sylver
Love is an angel
Holding you tight
Love is an angel
Standing by your side (1)
Are you my angel, are you my guide?
Where is the answer, where is the light?
Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?
Are you a stranger? Heaven decides (2)
All this time I'm waitin'
I was anticipating, for a love like you
A love that is always true
But you got me dreamin'
I find it hard believing
In a love like you
A love that is always true
All the tears I've been crying
I was slowly dying
For a love like you
A love that is always true
But you got me dreamin'
I find it hard believing
In a love like you
A love that is always true
(1) (2) (1)
Love is an angel
letra en inglés,
Love is an angel,
Video Desenchantee - Kate Ryan
De las mejores canciones de Kate Ryan, la que la hizo famosa por todo el mundo.
Kate Ryan - Videoclip Desenchantee
Kate Ryan,
música dance,
Video Ecstasy ATB Letra en inglés
Su cantante de origen alemán, André Tanneberger (ATB) le da nombre al grupo.
Ecstasy aparece en el álbum " No Silence ".
Es de esas canciones que nunca te cansas de escuchar
1 comentarios
letra en ingles,
Videoclip de Kylie Minogue - The One (subtitulos en inglés)
Kylie Minogue 'The one' - Videoclip de la cantante australiana
The One aparece en su álbum X.
Una de las reinas del pop.
Video de letra en inglés
Video lyrics
Kylie Minogue,
letra en inglés,
The one,
Videoclip Who's that girl? (La limpiacristales) - Lasgo + Dave Beyer
Videoclip del trio Lasgo y Dave Beyer
Una canción muy pegadiza y un videoclip resultón.Resultado: chica limpia cristales en bikini. ¿Cuál es su número de móvil? ¿Dónde hay que echar el curriculum?
Estribillo en inglés"¿Quién es esa chica?"
Lyrics "Who's that girl?"
Girl... Whos´s that girl?
Cause she is driving me insane
Whos that girl?
I´d like to know her name
Dave Beyer,
música dance,
Who's that girl
3 Minutes To Explain Fedde Le Grand Funkerman Letra en inglés Videoclip
Uno de los mayores éxitos de la música dance de este año
Un pelotazo en las pistas de baile respaldado por Fedde Le Grand, el monstruo de las pistas de baile.
Este no es el video original porque por derechos de autor no permiten su reproducción. Cosa absurda, ya que es peor para ellos porque así no le hacemos publicidad gratis.
El videoclip es bastante malo por decir algo suave de el. Muy austero está en blanco y negro pero la canción es buenísima. Así que no os molesteis en buscar el video. En el video aparece uno con unos pelos raros y una chica gordita con un sombrero gigante que le tapa casi toda la cara.
Con escuchar la canción es suficiente os lo aseguro.
Letra en inglés - 3 Minutos para explicar
Lyrics - Three Minutes to Explain
Hey man, hey man
Just get closer
Let it take over
Hey man, hey man
I only got 3 minutes to explain myself
But don't stop dancing
Just listen to me
I've been on this stage of life before
I told myself don't do this no more
As you can see I'm here again
Doing it over and over and over again
This aint what I want
This aint what I need
You better stop this thing
Don't do it to me
This aint what I want
This aint what I need
Just set me free
1 comentarios
3 Minutes To Explain,
Le Grand,
letra en ingles,
Videoclip Hello Dreaminfusion Letra En Inglés Lyrics
Este dúo español que canta en inglés llegó a ser número 1, en el 2007 gracias a " Hello ".
Letra en inglés - Lyrics
Look forth upon your life and don’t hang on
There’s a clear blue sky in the days to come
Hello, Does anything, anything …?
Take off your mind your wildest hopes
Your sweetest dreams, material thoughts
Hello, Does anything, anything …?
Hello, my love, at all… Does anything count at all?
Open up your mind; let your spirit flow
Sweeping off the lie that divides your world
Hello, Does anything, anything …?
Deep into your heart let your soul become
Wake up and have a look outside the wall
Hello, Does anything, anything…?
Hello, my love, at all… Does anything count at all?
Whatever thing I do or say , your dreams my fate
Your love, my faith … Does anything count at all?
Whatever place I go or stay is it a sign to live astray?
Does anything count at all?
También te puede interesar:
Videoclip Simple Life Dreaminfusion
Dreaminfusion Take Me Letra y Videoclip
letra en inglés,
Videoclip Kate Ryan - Alive
Kate Ryan - Alive (videoclip oficial)
-Videoclip donde aparece la cantante en el agua,
dentro de un gran acuario.
-Definitivamente "La Madonna" francesa .
Kate Ryan,
Kate Perry - I Kissed A Girl - Videoclip
Kate Perry es la cantante revelación del año en EEUU, tendrá un futuro lleno de éxitos.
Este es el primer sencillo de la cantante, del disco debut 'One of the boys' publicado en 2008. Está en el Top de ventas en UK y EEUU.
Video de la letra de la canción - I Kissed A Girl-Kate Perry
Video Lyrics
Letra de la canción - I Kissed A Girl - Kate Perry
This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, you drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter
You're my experimental game
Just human nature
It's not what, good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked ït
I kissed a girl,
Kate Perry,
letra en inglés,
Videoclip Something Stupid - Robbie Williams - Nicole Kidman - Letra en inglés y traducción al español
-Dúo clásico. Música de todos los tiempos.
-Nicole Kidman actriz y cantante.
-Robbie Williams, tan bueno como siempre.
Videoclip Something Stupid (original version)
Video con letra en inglés (Video Lyrics)
Video letra en español Something Stupid "Algo estúpido"
I know I stand in line
Until you think you have the time
To spend an evening with me
And if we go someplace to dance
I know that there's a chance
You won't be leaving with me
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you
I can see it in your eyes
That you despise the same old lines
You heard the night before
And though it's just a line to you
For me it's true
And never seemed so right before
I practice every day to find some clever
lines to say
To make the meaning come through
But then I think I'll wait until the evening
gets late
And I'm alone with you
The time is right
Your perfume fills my head
The stars get red
And oh the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you
I love you...
Nicole Kidman,
Robbie Williams,
Something stupid
Videoclip Simple Life - Dreaminfusion - Letra en inglés
Videoclip Simple Life - Dreaminfusion
Este dúo de Barcelona vuelve a la carga con "Simple Life", después de su gran éxito Hello.
Letra en inglés
Living a simple life, everything is fun and pretty nice
Living a simple life, having the things just passing by
Living a simple world, watching the colours paint the sky
I’m living a simple love and everything is perfect, as before.
May I still love you? My heart is feeling so high
And I don’t mind about trouble or lies.
Living a simple life, a flawless state of mind
Living a simple life, nothing stands behind
Living a perfect life, a flawless state of mind
Living a perfect life, take me as I am.
Living a simple life, a colourful lovely and easy life
Living a simple life, nothing to care, no warning light
Living a simple world, flowers and butterflies around
Living a simple love and everything is perfect as before.
letra en inglés,
música dance,
t.A.T.u. - Videoclip All About Us
De los mejores videoclips de Tatu.

Es de sus canciones más famosas
Tiene una música muy pegadiza
Video Letra en inglés
- Video lyrics-
All about us,
letra en inglés,
The Cardigans - Videoclip For What It's Worth
Uno de los mejores temas del grupo. La letra es buenísima....
El último párrafo es el mejor:
Por lo que merece la pena te quiero
y lo peor es que lo hago.
Un clásico del pop.
Un canto a la sinceridad y a la verdad.
"For What It's Worth"
One, two, three, four
Hey baby come round
Keep holding me down
And I'll be keeping you up tonight
The four letter word got stuck in my head
The dirtiest word that I've ever said
It's making me feel alright
For what it's worth I love you
And what is worse I really do
Oh what is worse I'm gonna run run run
'Till the sweetness gets to you
And what is worse I love you!
Hey please baby come back
There'll be no more loving attack
And I'll be keeping it cool tonight
The four letter word is out of my head
Come on around get back in my bed
Keep making me feel alright
For what it's worth I like you
And what is worse I really do
Things have been worse
And we had fun fun fun
'Till I said I love you
And what is worse I really do!
For what it's worth I love you
And what is worse I really do
For what is worth,
letra en inglés,
The Cardigans,
Kate Ryan Videoclip The Promise You Made
Kate Ryan
The Promise You Made (official music video)
-Uno de los grandes éxitos de Kate Ryan y top de ventas
Letra en inglés / lyrics
If I laid down my love - To come to your defense
Would you worry for me - With a pain in your chest ?
Could I rely on your faith to be strong
To pick me back up and to push me along ?
Tell me
You'll be there in my hour of need
You won't turn me away
Help me out of the life I lead
Remember the promise you made
Remember the promise you made
If I gave you my soul - For a piece of your mind
Would you carry me with you - To the far edge of time ?
Could you understand if you found me untrue
Would we become one, or divided in two - Please tell me
Could I rely on your faith to be strong
To pick me back up and to push me along - Please tell me
Kate Ryan,
letra en inglés,
The promise you made,
Jessica Simpson - These Boots are made for walking
Videoclip donde la explosiva Jessica Simpson nos enseña como lavar el coche y bailar en bikini con botas
Videoclip con la letra en inglés
Jessica Simpson - These Boots are made for walking
Jessica Simpson,
letra en inglés,